
I was inspired by my frustrations to create something to help UC Berkeley students with the long waits for the gym or crowded libraries.


2023 - 3 days

Project Type

Personal Project


Laney Fong, Rachel Lin


HMW help students save time?


UC Berkeley's weight room lacks wait time estimates despite showing fullness. Even for libraries, students struggle to find a seat to study or do work. A visual indicator for least busy times could spread student use, reducing wait times for everyone.


This is CalQ, an app for UC Berkeley students that saves student's time through sharing capacity levels and queue times. For different events, students will be able to view how long they would need to wait and can determine if it is worth it to join.

My Role/Responsibilities

UX/UI Designer


Student needs and findings

User Interview and Observational Studies

UC Berkeley gym wait times exceed 30 minutes. Users report lack of seating in crowded classrooms. Through a user interview, my interviewee exclaimed "I have to sit on the floor during class time because there are no seats."
A visual indicator showing real-time capacity for both the weight room and classrooms, allowing students to optimize their schedules and avoid wasted time.

User Journey Map

I created a User Journey Map to empathize more with the user during the process of going to the gym. My findings were that students waste time going to a location and ending up disappointed when they still have to waste more time waiting.


    I made rough sketches of the layout I wanted to recreate with features. I did not have as much as time as I wanted to make this app but if I did, I would have made more variations to choose from.

    Low Fidelity Prototype

    From there, I made a low fidelity prototype to envision the layout.

    When creating the low fidelity prototype, I added a section on the homepage that allowed for booking libraries rooms. This would allow easier access to booking a private room anywhere including school organizations.

    Final Solution

    CalQ is a mobile app that tackles student wait times at UC Berkeley. View real-time capacity and queue info for the gym, classrooms, and even virtual queues for office hours and bookings. Skip the unnecessary wait and optimize your schedule!

    Features: Live capacity & queue times, streamlined UI for quick access, and virtual queue integration

    Benefits: Save valuable time, avoid crowded spaces, and optimize your academic experience

    Final prototype

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