
Through my club UX@Berkeley, my team and I redesigned MyShake's current app. Our goal was to make MyShake more user-friendly with a modernized UI.


Feb-Apr 2024



Project Type

UX/UI Design Contract


Hosea Chen, Laney Fong, Anya Kishida, Bobo Khat, Mary Mourtazo, Ian Park

MyShake lacks simplicity and user-friendliness.

My Role/Responsibilities

I helped ideate solutions, create a design system, and prototype light/dark mode.


Update design for a clean & intuitive experience. Prioritize clear navigation for effortless feature discovery. Replace hidden features with user-friendly interactions.

Existing Screens


Why do people use earthquake apps and what would entice users to continue using one?

Features users expected:

  • Daily report chart like the weather app
  • What areas are safe
  • Pinned locations
  • Simple and minimal UI
  • Safety & early alert information
  • What to do and what they need for earthquakes
We prioritized making the landing page include pinned locations, earthquakes near you as default, and access to earthquake information. MyShake would be your all-in-one earthquake package.
Low Fidelity V1 (Landing Page)
Low Fidelity V2 (Landing Page)
Design System

My teammate and I were in charge of the design system. We decided on implementing a more playful UI which would be more inviting while also being informative for all users.

Final Deliverable

I was able to learn how to create a proper design system and organize a final deliverable. I was able to learn how to learn how to satisfy client and user needs. I had such a great and satisfying time working with a team full of talented designers. Our collaboration of ideas created a meaningful outcome.

More Case Studies

Designed by Laney Fong